Children of Jack
Children of Jack

New Release: Children of Jack, by Harmony Glen

Harmony Glen celebrates 15 years of Folk Extravaganza with a new album, ‘Sing Me A Song’! This second single release, ‘Children of Jack’, features Guy Forsyth on vocals. It is also noteworthy that Mr. Forsyth wrote the lyrics to this song. The entire album, will be available for worldwide digital download/streaming via Friendly Folk Records in Summer/2021. But for now, pop over to our webstore and download/stream ‘Children of Jack’!


Guy Forsyth: Vocals
Sjoerd van Ravenzwaaij: Banjo
Nienke Bijker: Guitar
Gilian Hettinga: Tin whistle, low whistle, Bagpipes
Dominique Bentvelsen: Bass
Niels Duindam: Drums

Recorded by: Harmony Glen & Guy Forsyth