What we do…

  • Connect you with industry professionals: studios, producers, music/merch production, & more.
  • Keep you up to date on latest trends in social media/self-promotion
  • Introduce and promote your music to media & radio stations
  • Create your text for biography, website, press releases, etc.
  • Offer tips on improving your image & branding
  • Lyric editing, proofreading and advice
  • Coaching tips for live show dynamics!
  • Provide support and encouragement!

Welcome to Friendly Folk Promotion! In addition to providing music distribution services for our Friendly Folk Records label Artists, we also have an in-house promotion department. We provide full promotion services at affordable, competitive rates, with various printed and digital media.

English Writing/Editing Services: Our English writing/Dutch to English translation services are available to EVERYONE! Press Release, Lyric Edits, DocumentsSend us an email for a quote.  info@friendlyfolkrecords.org