Message from our Artists…

Newsy updates and well wishes from our Artists:

Harmony Glen (Netherlands)

The Jolly Gents (Netherlands)

Greenrose Faire (Finland)

Greetings from Finland. We’re holding safe in our homes. Everything, including band practices are canceled, but at least that leaves time to work on new songs remotely. Hoping to do some cozy live streams, either acoustic or from the rehearsal room once things ease up a bit. Keep safe everyone! Love, Greenrose Faire

Honky Tonk Men (Netherlands)

Like all the Dutch musicians we are at home. All the shows for the next weeks are canceled and we have no rehearsals at this moment. We were busy with new material and had plans for new recordings. Nobody knows how long it will take before life returns to normal. We wish all the best to all of you from Honky Tonk Men.

The Woolverstones (UK/Italy/Germany/Russia)

Our band is made up of members from England, Italy, Germany and Russia. We may have been temporarily divided physically for now, but we are all in contact and cooking up some music to (hopefully soon) put out into a world that will need more soul than ever when this thing blows over. This is a time for introspection. A pause in a mad world. Our hearts and love go out to all those affected by this disease and our deep respect to all of the people working hard to keep everybody safe and healthy. Lets be kinder to each other now and put humanity at the core of everything.  If you feel low…look outside and see that at least the environment seems to be healing.

 The Woolverstones

Sassenachs (Netherlands)

Voor de fans: zoals jullie hebben kunnen lezen zijn Sassenachs gestopt met repeteren want uiteraard veiligheid en gezondheid gaat boven alles! Best een vreemde gewaarwording, geen repetities maar veel FB contact met de clan! Door de weg vallende optredens wordt het een uitdaging de komende maanden door te komen. Iedereen voelt deze pijn op haar of zijn manier en worden financieel getroffen! Wij hoeven gelukkig niet van de gage ons persoonlijk te onderhouden maar moeten wel onze betalings verplichtingen van huur en verzekeringen blijven voldoen! Wij blijven positief en hopen echt dat wij elkaar binnen enkele maanden elkaar weer kunnen zien op bij een optreden, maar voor alsnog, wees voorzichtig en blijf gezond en doe wat de overheid van jullie vraagt dan slaan wij er ons samen doorheen! Liefs Sassenachs!

The Midnight (Italy)

Hello everyone! Dear friends thank you very much for the many positive thoughts you sent us in this very difficult period! Just yesterday we had a group meeting via ‘google-duo’ and we can tell you that at the moment each of us and our loved ones are out of danger! We pray that this will end soon and to be able to hug you all one day! We will update you soon and for now: #stayathome #iorestoacasa xThe Midnight

Jyoti Verhoeff (Netherlands)

All my thoughts go to those who are affected by the corona virus. We need each other! Keep safe strong and healthy and though most of us need to be socially isolated we still can connect. My heart is with you. xJyoti

Prophecy Playground (Isreal)

Here in Tel Aviv the streets are still somewhat active, but one can surely feel the tension is in the air… We are disappointed we had to cancel our album launch spring tour concerts in NY, London & other towns in Israel, but we are glad to still be getting great reviews about the album! Also, we take the chance to quietly start pre-production for Prophecy Playground’s 2nd album which will hopefully be recorded next winter. Although the situation is alarming, it is also a great time for resting & self-observation. Be safe everyone. xOr & Idan

The Flask (Netherlands)

Hi guys! Hope you are all doing well. We’re all still in good health and of course hope to stay that way. We did a livestream last Thursday to bring some joy into these times worry, and we hope to bring another livestream coming Thursday. Let’s help each other get through these strange times. Let’s keep using our brain and let’s act upon the measures that are provided by the government. We wish you all the best in these times and hope to see you guys soon. Love, The Flask (Anneke, Astrid, Rudy and Jesse)

Old Man Fergus (Netherlands)

We are all ok so far as I know. I will be trying some new songs at home. As a band, we can’t practice at this moment. Sadly, the performance I had in France, near Toulouse is cancelled, but we will do it later this year if that is possible. That’s all for now for our update folks…stay safe Old Man Fergus (Eef)

Drusuna (Portugal)

“During this period of lockdown, we try to occupy our time in various ways. Working, creating or simply being with our loved ones. However, we Should also make a reflexion about ourselves. We live in a world, at a fast speed and sometimes we get lost in a empty highway. Let us slow down and reconnect with nature, because in it, we can find everything that is part of us… There is a call without words or sound, but if we listen, we can compreend it… The old gods are watching…” xSephirus

Aelixihr (Netherlands)

Lieve allemaal, het is niet anders, ook de activiteiten van aeLiXihr staan een tijdje op pauze. Alle repetities, opnames en optredens zijn geannuleerd en wij missen elkaar en jullie! Maar wat een kansen biedt deze tijd. Natuurlijk hebben we door de annuleringen nu alle tijd voor het thuisonderwijs aan onze kinderen en genieten we volop van deze extra familietijd. Ook is even stil staan de beste manier om inspiratie voor nieuwe projecten op te doen, is er tijd voor het schrijven van nieuwe nummers en het natuurlijk het bijwerken van de noodzakelijke administratie. En vooral: voor het geven van extra veel aandacht aan al onze dierbaren. Online, post, telefoon, we hebben zóveel mogelijkheden om met elkaar in verbinding te blijven. We hebben elkaar juist nu nodig en muziek verbindt ons allemaal. Wij wensen jullie heel veel geluk, vele plezierige muzikale momenten en een goede gezondheid! xAeLiXihr (Wendy, Onno & Yanou)

Friendly Folk Records Distribution

As you may have noticed, we skipped a week of post updates as we were all busy finding our balance.  So many cancellations of Live shows and new music releases due to the Corona Virus left many of our musicians hanging out on a limb. We are all supporting each other during these times, but we wanted to take a moment to thank all the music fans for your support as well. With the financial burden caused by all the happenings in the music industry we are working on new online Livestream shows to keep music promotion alive during these crazy times. From our family to yours, our wish for all of you is to stay healthy. Take care of yourselves and each other….and as you heard in the introduction video, in the wise word of Sjoerd, (on behalf of Harmony Glen & Jolly Gents)… Stay safe and stay at home! You can support Artists by downloading and streaming their music xFriendly Folk Records (Kathy)